COVID-19 June 8th Reopening Precautions

COVID-19 Reopening Precautions for your review

AUSTL will be reopening for client attendance on June 8th, 2020

By now you should know which building you will be attending, either our PennRidege location or the Page location. We will be following reopening precautions that meet or exceed CDC and local guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus. We have attached a copy of those reopening precautions for your review. If you have questions regarding those guidelines or where you will be attending, please contact James Huffman (

Please note these guidelines are likely to change and may be more stringent than what the CDC or local guidelines recommend if more stringency is best practice. We understand this is a difficult time to make risk/benefit decisions and respect you may want to delay AU attendance. We are asking you to either confirm attendance to AU on June 8th or let us know if you are not comfortable with that return date, by June 3rd. If you are not, the next possible return date will be June 22nd or after. If you would like to return on June 22nd, please let us know no later than the close of business (5 pm) on Wednesday, June 17th. If we do not have confirmation by June 17th, the next possible return date will be July 6th. To attend beginning on July 6th, please let us know no later than July 1st by the close of business.

Staggering and planning for return dates is one of the ways we can use proactive safety measures including scheduled disinfecting routines, social distancing of clients and staff, and screening clients before they exit their vehicle. We want to keep our AU community as safe as possible in these uncertain times and thank you for helping us to do so. Of course, if at any time Philip

  1. comes into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
  2. comes into contact with someone who is showing symptoms of COVID-19 who has known exposure to someone else who has tested positive for COVID-19
  3. is themselves showing symptoms of COVID-19
  4. is living in a home with someone who is showing symptoms of COVID-19

they should contact their physician immediately and not return to AU until medically cleared to do so. COVID-19 symptoms include

  1. fever
  2. cough
  3. shortness of breath
  4. diarrhea
  5. nausea
  6. vomiting
  7. loss of sense of smell
  8. headache
  9. chills
  10. sore throat

As another way to use proactive safety measures, we will be operating in both our original and new location with clients split between both locations, each client assigned to one location only.


The AUSTL team